No one is perfect in this world, we all should admit it. It is difficult to have a positive body image when we compare ourselves to the airbrushed magazine covers, and the people who get professional help to look extra-ordinary and glamorous. This is what we all do in our lives from childhood till we become adult and even in old age. This negative cycle is hard to break, and it definitely diminishes your self-esteem very quickly. There are ways to develop and encourage a positive body image and get out of the suffering of negative body image crisis. You can use Body Shaper to change your body image.
First of all, we should start appreciating ourselves. We love art, architecture and music, and we appreciate it, but what about ourselves? If someone asks you to name ten things you like about yourself, you would probably have a hard time doing so, but at the same time, if you are to do the same about a music group, you would rattle them off. It is the duty of parents to develop talents in their kids and make them recognise their potential and abilities. Once a person finds his/her self-worth, there is no going back, and success becomes the destiny.
The parents need to lead by example to help their children develop a positive body image. Children are good observers; they see how you loathe your own image and they follow you. If you do something that is unhealthy, they might adopt it within no time. Never say anything bad about your body parts, in front of your children; it allows them to think bad about their bodies. This attitude is destructive to them. Always use positive self-talk and lead your children by example; it would encourage a positive body image in them.
Everyone should practice a healthy lifestyle at home. Parents must encourage their children to eat healthy and get the recommended exercises daily. Healthy food gives you energy, and exercise makes you fit and stress free. Again here, the parents need to lead by example by taking healthy diet and going for exercise daily.
You should never compare your kids with other teens. People are different in their body structures, so do not urge them to eat more. Always encourage them for healthier options to develop a positive body image.
The mother should dress the child appropriately and avoid clothes like miniskirts and skimpy tank tops for young girls. The bodies of young girls are not fit for such outfits, and it will not give them the look of the girls on the red carpet. Such a thing magnifies the insecurities in the mind of your child. Always dress your girl that complements her figure. For girls, mothers should be very vigilant and careful about body issues. Let them communicate the insecurities or questions in their minds, and guide them on the issues like puberty to avoid confusion.
Parents are the best friends of their children, and they should not ignore any unhealthy behaviour they notice in them. A child can only develop a positive body image if the parents encourage him to eat healthy, exercise daily, indulge in healthy activities and have a good night sleep.
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