bc airbrush painting courses

bc airbrush painting courses

One very important technique in the creation of airbrush painting is the use of stencils or masks. These can vary from simple flame cut-outs and various other effects, to more complex pictures like skulls, wings and figures etc. Often seen on motorcycles, cars, helmets even t-shirts.

Pre-cut Stencils

Pre-cut stencils are readily available from a number of outlets and the range in complexity and styles are quite extensive. Prices vary according to complexity and can range from $10 up to a couple of hundred. The stencils are generally made of semi-rigid plastic which can be either held by hand or secured with sticky tape.

Other types can be bought which are adhesive backed - this might be in the form of a Logo or design for your Guitar or other personal item. Once sprayed, the stencil is removed which generally destroys it. So unlike the semi-rigid types, these can only be used once.

Home made Stencils

Making your own stencils can be achieved by the use of different techniques and materials, so let's have a look at a few of each:-

Paper or Card

A very easy medium to use, although can be easily damaged when removing from the work surface. As an example let's look at a Skull - very popular with Airbrush Artists. Draw the outline of the skull on the card, including other features like eye sockets and nose holes and cut out with a sharp knife. You now have a positive (the skull) and a negative of your picture.

Using the positive stencil, (the skull itself), spray around the outline and then spray the eyes sockets and nose - with perhaps another colour. When you remove the stencil, your work surface colour forms the outline of the skull. Alternatively, spray inside the negative of the stencil so that the paint colour forms the skull outline. Place the skull over next, and spray the eye sockets etc. In both cases, finally remove the stencil and finish off the fine details of the skull - teeth outline, shadowing etc - by spraying free hand with your airbrush.

Adhesive tape

Cover the work surface with adhesive plastic tape - Frisket tape is ideal as it is not too sticky and will not pull the paint off the surface. Fix a copy of the negative of the picture you want to create. Using a sharp knife cut out the key features of the picture and remove the tape to reveal the work surface below.

If using a dark background, start with removing the outlines of brightest colours from your design, and then spray. Carry on to the next brightest colour, and so on. If your background is bright the opposite applies, and don't forget that the background colour is also forming part of your design.

I am not very keen on this method as no matter how careful you are with the knife, it is fairly likely that you may damage the work surface.

Semi-rigid Plastic

Use of this material is ideal as the resulting stencil is more durable and quite complex designs can be achieved with them. Place the picture you wish to create on a solid flat surface - wood or pin board e.g. - then fix the plastic sheet over the top. Use a sharp knife to cut out the key features of the picture. Alternatively, you can use an Electric Hot Iron with a fine point to cut out the parts. The heat of the iron easily melts away the plastic as you follow the contours of your design. These irons are readily available for this purpose.

Once the features are cut out the inserts can be discarded and the created stencil removed for use with your project work surface.

Pre-cut or Home Made?

Well, it seems both have their advantages.

For the beginner, pre-cut is probably the best way forward but not practical if you are on a very low budget. Plus some great effects and designs can be achieved with just a very basic design cut from cardboard.

For the more Experienced Airbrush Artist, the use of pre-cut stencils can perhaps stifle your creativity. To achieve a design unique to yourself means creating your own Stencils. Plus, if you want to recreate a design that you really like - perhaps from the internet - then creating your own stencil is the only way to go.


You should not dismiss the use of pre-cut stencils as there are many great designs available to the Airbrush Artist, which will be beneficial to the artist learning and gaining experience in Airbrush Techniques. Also these are great if you feel that you are not up to creating your own designs.

However, I would like to reiterate the cost factor of pre-cut. Whereas, for the small price of some basic stencil materials and the free time which costs you nothing, then nothing compares to the satisfaction of creating your design.

Indian joe body airbrush

Indian joe body airbrush

Indian joe body airbrush

Indian joe body airbrush

Indian joe body airbrush

With the acceptance of tattoo to modern society, more and more people are enticed by the idea of getting a tattoo. The only thing that is keeping them is the fact that it is permanent and at the same time painful. Temporary tattoo addresses that problem. Temporary tattoo can be done either by airbrush application of temporary tattoo inks or by the use of Henna.

Henna is by far the best option since it is natural. Although, there is always the risk for allergy but it is considerably less compared to tattoo inks with ingredients that are probably synthetic. Being aware of the complications that henna may bring is always a good thing to consider. Natural henna does not come in dark colors. The dark henna which is black or sometimes indigo is made by combining natural henna with a chemical. Even with natural henna, there is particular danger to those individuals who are suffering from a genetic condition labeled G6PD deficiency. In large doses, these dyes can be fatal to these certain individuals. It is therefore better to apply the henna first on a small area of the body as a skin test.

I am sure you have come across tattoos using Henna. Henna has been used since ancient times. The designs normally associated with henna are of Asian and Indian influence. Another thing about henna designs are the attention to details. Although there are traditional henna designs that are popular, there is no shortage in design experimentation. There is also no problem when it comes to tattoo removal because the skin itself will just shed the layers with the henna dye over time. There are tattoo studios however that tries to imitate henna tattoos but instead of natural henna, they use a red dye on typical tattoo machines. This will make the tattoo permanent.

Whether or not, you decide to have a permanent or temporary tattoo, the same things apply. You need to choose the tattoo artist carefully to make sure that he understands completely where and how you want the tattoo to be placed. The design will make or break your tattoo and so does the execution.

temporary airbrush tattoo paint

temporary airbrush tattoo paint

Body art has been around for centuries, and is only gaining in popularity. With the advancement of technology, the methods of body art application have adapted and changes as well. For the purpose of this article we will focus strictly on temporary forms of body art, namely sponge and brush application, and airbrush application of body art.

There are pros and cons to both airbrush and traditional sponge and brush body art. Obviously, the more skilled the person applying the paint or ink, the better the end result is going to be, regardless of the application technique used. However, the end result will have a distinctively different look to it based on which technique was used.

Sponge and brush painting is a common way of applying face paint and other forms of body art. This technique allows the artist to create from scratch each new design. The artist can accommodate designs to fit the face or area being painted, and can incorporate as much detail as his skill level and tools allow. A negative to sponge and brush painting is that the brush actually contacts the skin of each client, and is then dipped back into the paint. This can create problems if proper sanitation methods are not used. Sponge and brush painting generally takes a decent amount of time to complete each design as well.

Using the airbrush is becoming increasingly popular for makeup and body art applications. While the airbrush can be a fickle tool to master its use, it provides many advantages for the body artist. First, the airbrush never touches the skin, so it is much more sanitary than sponge and brush applications. Second, by using stencils or templates, the airbrush body artist can produce a dramatically higher volume than sponge and brush painters. Finally, the airbrush makes it possible to complete many types of different strokes, shading, and lines without the need to change brushes or tools.

addicted to REMX airbrush and body

addicted to REMX airbrush and body

addicted to REMX airbrush and body

addicted to REMX airbrush and body

addicted to REMX airbrush and body

Sarah woke up from a deep sleep at 3 AM and realized that her husband wasn't in bed, so she got up to see if he was okay. She was not prepared for what she saw next. Her husband of 27 years, who she respected as a godly man, was sitting in front of their home computer in some sort of "trance" while looking at the most sexually graphic pictures that she had ever seen. "Mark," she shouted! "What are you doing?" Mark was shocked to see her, but then looked up into the confused eyes of his wife and sobbed out, 'I don't know.'

Sadly this sort of scene is played out every single day in Christian homes. The research shows that there are over 1,000 'adult' pornographic sites added to the internet every week, which are readily available to anyone surfing the web looking for a quick sexual thrill. Sexual addiction is a huge problem in Christian circles. The Christian Men's group 'Promise Keepers' recently did a confidential survey and discovered that 62% of men attending their stadium events listed lust as their number one life problem. Ministries Today magazine reported that 29 % of men who regularly attend church believe that they have a sexual addiction.

This type of struggle is not new. Thousands of years ago the leader of Israel was a man named Samson. You may remember that the bible teaches us in Judges 14 that he was physically stronger than any other man who ever lived, yet would often struggle with the temptation toward sexual behavior with prostitutes and eventually was seduced into captivity by Delilah. He had seen God work miracles in his life; he had been raised in a godly home by godly parents; he knew the ways of the Lord, and although he was by far the strongest man on the battlefield, he never had any strength or victory over his lustful eyes.

Think of it! The strongest man who ever lived was no match for the sexual temptations of his culture. Could the same reasons that plagued Samson thousands of years ago still be the reasons why so many strong men still fall into this addictive area? Let's look at some of the main issues that led to Mark's struggle to discover the answers.

The dictionary defines 'lust' as sexual desire, often to an intense or unrestrained degree. There is a simple outline to use to see if someone you love is being overwhelmed by lust, with each letter spelling out the behaviors that had slowly taken over Mark's life leading to his on-line addiction, and may be warning signs for someone in your home as well.


Men today are more lonely and 'disconnected' than ever before. This loneliness leaves them feeling empty as they realize that they are totally alone in the world. You may remember that when God looked down on Adam in the Garden of Eden, He saw that man was alone and it was not good, so He made a help-mate for him named Eve.

The Bible models the need for relationships in countless ways. From Jonathan & David, to the twelve disciples, to the connected relationship of the Holy Trinity that God the Father has with God the Son and with God the Spirit, we see the need to do things together for comfort, strength and unity. Sadly, in Mark and Sarah's case, he had become isolated and had pulled away from her, so he was alone more and ore of the time, leading to his 'middle of the night' ritual with pornography that almost destroyed his marriage.

Think of the men in your life. Are they connected into a relationship with you or with other godly men? If you see significant times of isolation, especially if it involves the computer or television, you need to be aware of the possible temptations and dangers of sexual addiction that lonely men often turn to and then are trapped by.


This letter represents the tremendous levels of being unfulfilled that many men feel in their personal or professional life. They don't know their purpose or life passion, which can be especially challenging during the middle years of life where there is incredible pressure to be successful and financially secure. If a man begins to question his ability to keep up with the expectations of his culture, or his own personal goals or expectations don't look like they are going to be realized, he begins to give up inside. It is this lack of fulfillment which leads to the desire for something more than he has, something bigger and something fun or exciting to fill the emptiness of his life.

Sexual addictions are often about escaping from inner pain, but equally common is the short-term pleasure associated with these mental fantasies. Whether the on-line searching behavior is driven by pleasure seeking or by escapism or both; the bottom line is that sexual addictions are an attempt to find some relief from pressure. He might feel empty or like a failure over the things that he believes are going wrong in his business, finances, marriage or family so the secretive behavior of on-line porn usage becomes like a quick 'fix' to cope with the pressures. It doesn't last and it only makes a man feel more empty and more like a failure inside, further trapping him into an addictive pattern of sexual addiction.

Mark had tried to forget about the pressure that he felt to financially keep his family and business going, while keeping up with the growing expenses of having kids in college and still trying to plan for his retirement. These were huge financial goals, and though he was stressed he was making it financially, still in the back corner of his mind he though he was a financial failure and it was this ongoing fear which continued to fuel his escapism into pornography to forget about the pressures of his life for a few minutes.


Stress is the next warning symptom that can snare men into sexual addictions. Every man has stress of course, but what happens when you don't deal with the stress at it's source? Answer- it just gets bigger and bigger and that is what happened in Mark's case. He had learned to cope with the growing stress and financial pressure in his life by just stuffing it inside. He had learned to simply say that 'it doesn't bother me' or 'no big deal' but in reality the stress and pressure was eating him alive inside.

Stuffed emotions are a way of life for many men, but eventually those stuffed feelings will come out, sometimes through an explosion of an angry fit of rage, or sometimes through long periods of a moody or depressive type of brooding behavior. Either way, if a man doesn't deal with the pressures that are eating away at him, he very likely may end up addicted to porn like Mark.

Attempting to use media images and fantasies to avoid the very real fears, doubts, worries and anxieties a man often faces is only a short term escape anyway since nothing is done to actually deal with or resolve the real problems in life. It's like the classic General Motors commercial about 'Mr. Goodwrench' who says 'pay me now- or pay me later'. The difference being that with stress you have to 'Deal with it now, or deal with it later,' because either way, he is going to have to deal with the real issues in his life and the sooner the better because it's easier to address before it becomes a life dominating problem.


This word in the formula is familiar to most men, because Mark was tired, really, really tired. The years of secret, sexual behavior, which were mostly during the night hours had really taken its toll. He had cheated his body out of sleep for too many years and was totally exhausted most of the time. Face it- tired people are really easy to tempt. Think of the chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer when it is late at night and you have starved all day. The more physically fatigued you are, the more likely you are to do and say things that are impulsive as an attempt to find some relief. Mark knew that he was fatigued and that he hated his behavior, but he just didn't have the energy to say "no" to the temptation anymore so he would cave into to his desires and feel like a failure as a Christian and as a committed husband over and over again.

Put this formula together and you have letters representing the biggest reasons for sexual addiction-


which represent the symptoms of a lonely, unfulfilled, emotionally stuffed and tired man. No wonder Mark was so open to the temptations of his culture and no wonder he became so enslaved to this increasingly common sin.

Not long ago John Stossel, from ABC News did a TV special on the issue of addiction to pornography. He made this observation at the end of his investigative report.

'Media images trick us into believing that there are many available, attractive people that want to be with me.'

While you and I may know that the perfectly airbrushed Hollywood 'babes' of the magazines or movies are not really going to seek out a twenty or thirty year older guy with a big belly and growing bald spot, the need to believe in the fantasy is often is stronger than simply in facing reality. Perhaps it is better understood to consider the principle listed in Ephesians 4:19 'Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.'

Our culture offers many escapes from facing reality; while God gives us some hard advice about the reality of the danger of lust. Jesus was quoted by St. Matthew, (Matthew 5:28) as saying 'whoever looks at a women to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' In other words, deal with your sex drive by showing some self control.

Thankfully Mark and Sarah sought out some professional help with a licensed therapist and over time, their marriage was able to recover from the betrayal of an addiction to pornography. This is a real couple I personally know, (although the names were changed), who would want me to share their steps toward a healed relationship. They would want me tell you that you can't get better by yourself, and to secretly keep stuffing it inside only makes it bigger. Living with a secret that is eating you and your marriage alive is like a cancer that is killing you a little each day. You have to deal with it or it will kill you and your marriage!

They would urge you to open your eyes and ears to any odd behavior that may be an indicator that your mate may be addicted to pornography and often is just too weak to stop the behavior without help. They would plead with you to take this seriously before it ruins another home like it almost did theirs. They would challenge you and your family member to seek out a Bible-teaching church that offers practical teaching and accountability groups for addictive behavior. They would tell you that it can and will change, if you get honest, humble your heart and seek some professional help on your road to break free of sexual addiction and rebuild a life of sexual purity as God designed.

Tragically we know that Samson didn't do that. He had no power over his lustful eyes, and you may remember that when his enemies captured him. The first thing that they did was to poke out his eyes with a burning hot iron rod. Blinded, and in prison, Samson repented and came back to his God. As a blind man, he could finally see the truth reflected in Psalms 101:3 'I will set nothing wicked before my eyes'. My prayer is that Christian men would live out that Biblical truth, and then boldly reach out to help rescue others trapped in the "Samson Syndrome".

Craig Tracys Body Art

Craig Tracys Body Art

Do you ever marvel at some people's uncanny ability to make the simple, complex?
The straight forward, anything but?

A ten minute task, a two week saga?

I meet these people every day.

Please stop sending them my way.

They are the woe-is-me brigade.

The Brothers (and Sisters) Grim.

(The real Brothers Grimm were two German dudes who published a bunch of folk stories and fairy tales about two hundred years ago... that's for those of you who aren't as old as me!!).

Yep, some people spend their whole lives making stuff complicated.

More complicated than it needs to be anyway.

Relationships... a constant soap-opera.

Career... messy and problematic.

Getting in shape... a perpetual roller-coaster of losing and gaining.

Finances... a daily money melodrama.

If you didn't know better, you might think that some people actually revel in the drama and attention.

In Australia we have a curious creature known colloquially as the 'Drama Queen'.

They are both male and female and their natural habitat is... everywhere.


They are the poster boys (and girls) for the art of complication.

They are also another cousin of the Energy Vampire.

I'm all for dealing with the (genuine) complications and the tough stuff that life throws at us, but I'm not for making things more difficult than they need to be.
Or making a mountain out of a molehill.
(So 1963 that expression... I love it).

When people come to talk to me about getting in shape (dropping some weight for example), I will invariably give them some highly complex and extremely scientific advice:

Move a bunch more, eat a bunch less.

Get yer heart rate up.

Get a bit sweaty.

Do it consistently.

See ya next time.

It's very simple... but people still don't do it.

That look of disappointment on their face is hilarious.

They think that I might let them in on some little-known scientific weight-loss secret.

Give them a shortcut perhaps.

A pill maybe.

Wave my magic wand.

Pull a six-pack outa my hat.

"Okay, here it is Mr Smith... put in less calories than you expend.. and you'll lose fat."
"Do it for long enough and you'll lose a buncha fat."

"Too complicated for you?"

"Taking notes?"

"Should I talk slower?"

"Any questions?"

"Mr Smith.. where are you going?"

"Mr Smith...?"

"Come back here fatty..."

The problem is that we don't actually want simple, we want painless.

And effortless.

And simple... ain't always painless.

Or effortless.

Or easy.

And we love... easy.

(Dear English Profs, I know I shouldn't start all those sentences with 'And', so save yourself some key strokes).

Some of the most effective (and simple) strategies for creating real change (in many areas of our lives), require us to get uncomfortable.
Yes, it's uncomfortable but it's also kinda simple, straight forward.

Some of us have an aversion to discomfort because we're spoiled, precious babies who want amazing results without the effort.
And amazing doesn't work like that.
Get your head around that concept and you'll make some progress instantly.

We are constantly looking for quick fixes and miracle solutions because we love shortcuts.
But the reality is that shortcuts don't produce forever change and ironically, they (shortcuts) often lead to complications(!) down the track.
Weird huh?

Interestingly, the more we don't deal with stuff (avoid discomfort, put our head in the sand, look for shortcuts), the more dysfunctional and the less capable we become.
Ironic, when we consider that actually dealing with pain and discomfort is where the real growth and learning comes from.

Some simple (uncomplicated) science for those who wanna drop a few pounds:
(Not that this post was meant to be about weight-loss... but I thought I'd chuck it in to demonstrate the simplicity of change).

(1) Body-fat is essentially stored energy (calories).

(2) If you expend more than you put in, you'll be in energy deficit.

(3) If you're in deficit your body will have to 'find' some energy from somewhere.

(4) It will find it on your ass (or close by).

(5) If you are in energy deficit of 500 calories per day (a coke and a cookie), you'll lose about one pound (0.4kg) of fat per week.

Not complicated at all.

Yes, there's a little more to it and a few other variables, but for the vast majority of us our key weight loss/management strategy should be to put less food in our mouth and move our body more.
Full stop.

Yet we continue to find new and exciting ways to complicate the process.
In all areas of our lives.

While the above information is more than enough 'science' to get most of us in shape or at least well on the way, we (we the society) continue to ignore the obvious (the simple) and keep trying to re-invent the 'weight-loss wheel'.

Forget the ab-blaster 7000, the fat-melting tabs, the liver-heart-kidney-pancreas-and-lung cleansing diets, the electrodey (yep, a word) things you stick on yer body... and yer high-carb, low-carb, no-carb debate and simply eat less crap.

Too simple perhaps.
I dunno.

We also complicate things when it comes to relationships and communication.

Spending our lives not saying what we really think.

Not being honest.

Not dealing with problems.

Not making decisions.

Not being accountable or responsible.
Complicating relationships and situations by putting our head in the sand and not doing the simple.

A friend of mine always says:

"Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow...."

His life is a disaster.

Ultimately we waste way too much time, talent, energy and life on issues which could have been resolved quickly, simply and effectively long ago. Then... when it all blows up (and it does) we 'react, cope and struggle' for months or years dealing with something that should be a distant memory.

Recently I was talking with a friend of mine (yes, I have one) at a social event when another friend (alright, two) came up to chat.

"Hey Craig.... we're all planning a four-day hike at Cradle Mountain over Christmas... are you up for it?"


"Why not.."

"Don't wanna.."

"How come..."

"Well, I love you all... but I don't wanna spend my Christmas eating re-hydrated food and sleeping in tents with ten stinky people."

"Okay, lemme know if you change yer mind."

"Okay, see ya."

The hiking guy walked away and my other friend (a girl) turned and said:

"How can you say that?"

"What, the truth?"

"Aren't you scared you'll offend them?"

"It's not about them... it's about how I want to spend my Christmas."

"I like them, I just have no desire to go hiking."

"But if it was a cheese-cake eating festival..... "

We all do the 'complication thing' don't we?

I still do it... but not so often these days.

It's kinda liberating when you just deal with stuff then and there.

Do what needs to be done.

Simply, quickly, effectively.

Still being sensitive and caring towards others, of course... but choosing not to go the long way around.
Choosing not to complicate.

Some people need to take a five minute trip... but they constantly choose to go via Anchorage.

By foot.

(Do I have any readers in Alaska?)

People always say to me....

"I wish I'd embraced this mindset years ago.. my life would be completely different today.."

So why don't you stop complicating your life today?

Or perhaps you could think about it for a bit longer.

body paint airbrush body paint airbrush red henna hair

body paint airbrush body paint airbrush red henna hair

The history of airbrushes is as old as the root lies in the year of 1893, which is far before the year when the world war took place. It was not exactly the current model but somewhat similar to it which was invented by Charles Burdick. Then gradually the usage of airbrush gained popularity and during the 1920s this particular device was used for retouching the photographs.

In fact by then people had become aware of the fact that airbrush can give the ideal coloring effect. Later on with the advancement of technology the models of airbrushes were upgraded. They started using it for advertisements.

The first big company who adored the usage of airbrush for commercial purpose was "Walter Gropius Bauhaus group" of Germany in the year of 1919. This company was dealing in fine arts. Then the use of airbrushes in the advertising industry became quite popular around the globe. In fact they became an essential tool in 1930 as the mass production of different stuffs started.

During the world war the airbrushes were used for painting the posters. They started painting the cars with the help of an airbrush. The most famous users of airbrush are the Walt Disney studios. They used the airbrushes for painting the characters, backgrounds etc for the animations.

After that the art directors of movies became conscious about the fact that the airbrushes are very helpful when it comes to making the sets and coloring them. They also started using it in the painting industry and some of the best paintings were made with the airbrushes.

But still this tool has not received proper recognition as a tool to make the best quality fine arts products. This clearly accounts for the fact that airbrush is not a modern invention and the future seems to be really bright for this device.

At present the usage of airbrushes has become wide spread. There are two specific types of airbrushes available in the market. The one that comes with single action facility is an ideal choice for the users who are trying out airbrush painting for the first time. They are reasonably priced. The other type of airbrush is the double actioned ones.

There are various uses of airbrushes. You can use them for tanning the body. There are many spas and salons where airbrush tanning is used as a popular method. The other prominent use of airbrush is in accomplishing the arts projects.

You can use an airbrush for making interesting tattoos on the body. In fact the airbrush make ups are also popular among the women. Often the airbrushes are used to make nail decorations. But still they are not popular as the fine arts tool.

Body painting , airbrush sexy

Body painting , airbrush sexy 1

Body painting , airbrush sexy 2

Body painting , airbrush sexy3

Body painting , airbrush sexy 4

Because of the threat of skin cancer, natural sunless tanning has become popular. While a "little sun" is beneficial, aiding your body create necessary vitamins; however, extended basking might be dangerous to your health. Sunscreens are essential when going outside for any length of time. Following these sunless tanning tips will help your health.

For some reason, a nice tan is considered sexy and healthy looking. However, baking in the sun for that golden brown glow will increase your chances of skin cancer and cause premature wrinkling and age spots. The wrinkle factor alone should be the deciding factor to those interested in their appearance.

Luckily, here are a few sunless tanning tips to achieve a natural tanned look without the sun. Natural sunless tanning lotions or mousses are popular with the do-it-yourselfer. Contemporary tanning products create a better natural-looking tan. The lotions are now tinted slightly so you could tell where you applied the tanning product to reduce streaking. There is also a sugar-based ingredient in the lotion that reacts with the pigments in the outer skin of the body to create the tan appearance. Your sunless tan could last anywhere from 3 - 7 days, depending on how fast you shed dead skin cells.

Another option is a spa that offers a spray-on tan. The procedure would involve standing in an enclosed booth sans clothing or you could wear something that covers the special parts that you don't want anyone else to see. You protect your hair and any other area that you do not care for the tanning product to cover. Then, you are sprayed by a tanning mist in one even application. Now and then, a spa technician might do an airbrush technique like painting a car. That takes more time and is far more intimate, yet, the results can be outstanding.

Regardless of which sunless tanning tips and methods you will follow, you can ensure an awesome looking tan with a few preparations. First, make sure you have plenty of time, about 2 hours. That gives the tanning lotion or spray time to dry. Meanwhile, you mustn't take a shower, bathe, or put on clothing.

Before the process, take a bath or shower to soften your skin. Then you should exfoliate your entire body, so that the dead skin cells are sloughed off, revealing the most recent skin growth. Make sure that special care is taken with the places on your body where wrinkled skin can show up, such as your elbows and knees. Once you have rinsed off, you must dry your body completely. Moisture will hinder the tanning product from properly adhering to your skin.

Don't forget that the natural sunless tanning process takes time, and the effect only lasts for a few days. But the tradeoff means not as much worries about skin cancer. Once you see your healthy "tanned" skin, you'll be happy to go out and show off your sexy new tan.

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